Can I Lose Weight by Exercising 5 Minutes a Day?

Short on time? Those 5 minute workouts look really attractive and promise astonishing results in a small amount of time, but can you really lose weight?

Why Women Should Lift Weights

The myth is that if women lift weights you will look big a bulky like a male bodybuilder. 

The Truth About Abs

Everyone wants a flat stomach and six pack abs. The most common myth is doing crunches and sit-ups will help you to achieve these results.

Common Workout Mistakes of Beginners

1. Overwhelming yourself- So you’ve just started and are really excited about making progress really fast, why not exercise 2 or 3 times a day?

Walk Your Way to a Summer Body

So you are now exercising to achieve that summer body, but you hate walking. In addition to your workouts, walking can be a great way to burn extra calories and keep your body healthy without risking injury.
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